TMJ Photobiostimulation Treatments

At The Better Sleep Center, we want to help you find solutions to your TMJ problems in a comfortable and noninvasive way. In addition to our oral appliances, our dentist and team also offer TMJ photobiostimulation in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. If you would like to meet with Dr. Martin Goebbel and see if this treatment would be right for you, call our office at 505-892-8600 today.

Photobiostimulation involves the gentle application of energy and light with a low-level laser to the affected area to relieve the effects of a temporomandibular disorder. The tissues in your body absorb the light and release the chemicals that contribute to the problem. The blood and lymphatic system then remove those chemicals. This treatment can reduce the discomfort caused by TMJ by alleviating the restriction in the muscles caused by this disorder. This treatment has the added benefit of increasing the activity of the cells in the targeted area, which can help your body heal. Our dentist will perform a careful examination to see if this method is right for you and then decide which area needs to be treated and how long your session will last. Photobiostimulation will not immediately solve the problem, but it can be used as part of the therapeutic process.

As mentioned above, this approach is completely noninvasive, and you will only feel a warm sensation in the treatment area. If you would like to learn more about this treatment and how it can help you overcome your TMJ issues, call our team for your appointment with our dentist.

TMJ Photobiostimulation Treatment